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Spend a day with the last generation of Bunong elephants

There are approximately 50 captive elephants in Mondulkiri. Across the forests of Cambodia there are approximately 400 elephants of which 250 reside in the vast protected areas in the Mondulkiri´s proteted forest. They are also under great threat from poaching and snare trap. The Asian Elephants play an important part of the Bunong culture (the indigenous people here in the Mondulkiri province). There are an important connection to the spirits that the hill tribe belief live between mankind, elepahnts and forest.

About elephants

Ever wanted to spend a day with elephant?

Departure 8:30 am: Visit a tribal village – Trek through the jungle (3 hours) – Feed the gentle giants – Help the mahouts wash their elephants – Take a swim under the waterfall- Cook traditional bamboo stew over the fire – Learn about local hill tribe traditions and the role elephants play within their culture. And more!

Tour Includes: Transportation, Lunch, Water, seasonal fruite and profesional English or French speaking guide.
Tour cost: 35$ per pepson

Note: We do not organize elephants riding 

Our Vision:

  • Support the Bunong community villagers

  • Offer working elephants a better life.

  • Help stop illegal logging and deforestation. 

  • Families that were once forced to use their elephants for work such as farming, logging and tourist riding will now have a new sustainable source of income and also have the option of working as guides through protected land.  

Note: Tour  schedule might change due bad weather or other circumstances 

What to bring? : Long sleeve, trouser, good shoes, mosqito spray.

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